A married person’s knowledge, character and the available grace, faith, wisdom, and sincere communication and understanding, in addition to his/herself and their blessings of the presence, power, and glory of the Creator God in a marriage, are the best tool and platform to use to relieve their life’s pressure, tension, and anxiety as well as reverse any presenting matter from their bare and uninspired atmospheres, environment, and ambience of their minds, togetherness, and even stories generated from the interaction and fellowship of their bodies, spirits, and souls. Additionally, this situation can be contrasted to the widespread misconception that no man dies from reasonable, rational effort. But you need to keep an eye on your dependents and children. Because problematic children and dependents can generate stress and problems for individuals, families, and marriages. Therefore, avoid developing your family, home, and life in a way that shows, encourages, and demonstrates partiality and lack of love, as this can lead to hatred, jealously, conflict, dishonesty, and even rebellion. And when it is time to discipline someone in the family (Prov 22 vs 6, Eph 6 vs 4), please combine the three main forms of discipline: 1. Self-induced training, 2. correction, and 3. punishment. Also, keep in mind the golden rules of love: do not spare the rod and undervalue people’s worth – it depresses the soul. Pray!
– Charles Kwamena Ackon