I discovered that anyone looking forward to greatness, and in its simple terms, success, significance and/or accomplishment must checklist the role, essence, and significance of PRAYER, DISCIPLESHIP, AND SERVANT-HOOD if that person must not and cannot understate and underrate these potent and dynamic tenets for excellent performance and glory.

God keeps his word regarding His divine plan for a particular chosen life’s reason and purpose, which is inscribed on his or her soul and personality  as well as in his other realms, occupations, and territories of  habitations and dwellings, so that the identification, working process, accomplishment, and completion of his ambitions, businesses, and cares of life will also be based on wise human judgment, rights, and efforts, among others.

However, in a manner similar to how the scents of favor, goodness, and mercy draw blessings, any invoked inherent power, created relationships, fellowships, love, as well as engineered drive, and divine enablement, among others, must constantly cooperate to support and draw in entitlements of grace, knowledge, wisdom, people, things, resources, grace, strength, relationships, families, purpose, friendships, and elements of destiny, among others.

By God’s grace, you must also be aware of their existence and adhere to the rules and behaviors governing the priorities, guiding principles, procedures, and systems of greatness:

1. The Goal (Are you the Joseph of your Family)

2. The Mandate and Promise

3. The Calling and Humility 

4. The Prophecies and Mantle 

5. The Covenants and Sacrifices 

6. The Offerings and Communications

7. The Safety, Strength and Blessings.

Additionally, you must respect and inspire the components and resources of your grace rather than undervalue them by your unguided thoughts, statements, actions and deeds. This is why I believe what is commonly claimed that a man’s audacity and work can only excite God to a certain degree, if he can not tame his tongue.

Because of this, there are times in life when God will deliver anyone from damage and evil if they turn away from evil and “face a wall” to seek for his help. This is described in Psalm 140. So, have this in mind: Why should you lose God’s Grace if it will result in your enthronement, stability, and expansion? 

Due to the fact that anyone can be confused, suffering, or even grieving at any given time in this world, but if that person dares to ask God for help rather of running away in fear, help comes to the seeker (2 Kings 20:1-4). The things God has given you through his faith, wisdom, and strength for the ministry, business, finances, and marriage, among others, must, nevertheless, be kept in great and increasing strength. These include the gifts, prophesies, and anointings, family, attitudes, skills, and knowledge. 

And never forget that the best sort of God’s restitution for depraved souls and lives is a multiplying restoration of things and substances in your prayers and intercessions. And if you continue to act righteously, to behave well, to pray, and to do good things, finally His God’s Grace will give you anything you need in terms of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

While we strive for progress and before the change, you must manage and guide the process between time and chance. The Force of Righteousness always triumphs over the Forces of Evil. Know why? What must or will the bad forces and spirits do when they witness what is engraved with their rights, predictions, power, and glory and enshrined in your blood as your word of faith, hope, and love? 

One’s capacity and capability must be built up and developed in three key areas, namely the spirit, brain, and body, as the individual loves God and neighbor, maintains relationships, and seeks growth and strength, among many other guidelines for higher calling and responsibilities.

In addition, the Practice of Faith must be clearly defined in light of the fundamentals of one’s:  

1. First Fruits, 

2. Tithe, and 

3. Offerings, just as Google specifies that there are three primary categories of practice in economic business activities: 

1. Sole proprietorship; 

2. Traditional and limited partnerships; 

3. Partnerships and limited companies with limited liabilities. 

Thirdly, if you have the gift of revelation, or spiritual eyesight, like the Medeanites did, you must use it as an offering of adoption so that, when God speaks to you, you do not consult flesh and blood but wisdom (1 Peter 2:9–10): ”But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy” (1 Peter 2:9-10). 

Whenever you hear God’s word, make sure to hear it first for yourself, then eat it, before offering it to others to eat (Romans 4). Abraham had the kind of faith that even if he killed Isaac, God would still raise him from the dead since God had cattle as well.

The cattle on a thousand hills are God’s, just as Scriptures say in Psalms 50:10–15, “because every beast of the forest is mine. In the mountains, I am familiar with every bird, and I own the insects in the fields. The universe and everything in it are mine, so even if I were hungry, I wouldn’t tell you. Should I drink goat blood or consume bull flesh? Call upon me in times of need, and I will deliver you, and you will honor me; sacrifice thanksgivings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High.

Thus, I conclude that the role, essence, and significance of PRAYER, DISCIPLESHIP, AND SERVANT-HOOD cannot be underrated at all if you truly want to comprehend that there are various levels of greatness in life in the realms of human living, including his spiritual, material, financial, educational, family, societal, and mental aspects. Pray! ….. to be cont’d.

– Charles Kwamena Ackon 


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