- On November 2, 2022
The promise and the pledge (oath) of Destiny’s progress in every person, people, tribe, language, and nation’s life are two distinct subjects. The subject of Destiny’s guarantee of blessings differs from the subjects of God’s favour and man’s favor on the blessings of aspirations and hope.
With this information, I discovered that when one’s faith becomes an anchor of his or her hope, that person is certainly blessed and highly favoured by God’s love. And, yes, there are various and assigned Destiny pathways that are traveled along the purpose, promise, and progress of each Destiny.However, there are things or tenets such as covenants, agreements, instructions, structures, coordination, and even their protocols, rules, and regulations that must be followed and respected if one is to proceed far on this journey of life’s sovereignty, security, and success.
Hebrews 6:17-20 AMP says:
“In the same way God, in His desire to show to the heirs of the promise the unchangeable nature of His purpose, intervened and guaranteed it with an oath, so that by two unchangeable things [His promise and His oath] in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled [to Him] for refuge would have strong encouragement and indwelling strength to hold tightly to the hope set before us. This hope [this confident assurance] we have as an anchor of the soul [it cannot slip and it cannot break down under whatever pressure bears upon it]—a safe and steadfast hope that enters within the veil [of the heavenly temple, that most Holy Place in which the very presence of God dwells], where Jesus has entered [in advance] as a forerunner for us, having become a High Priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek”
During an early morning fellowship and conversation with the Holy Spirit, the spirit of God spoke to a child of God who is also a servant and prophet of God, and a business governor, “I have moved you from waste to wealth, and from poverty to prosperity.” He was grateful for the divine proclamation. However, the understanding inside this wisdom of God as given into his spirit required clarity of thought and purpose of its voice and absorption.
Gladly, he realized that when God makes a way for people’s faith, hope, love, offerings, occupations, backgrounds, finances, family, business, ministry, marriage, trade, and the likes, he obtains more than money, experiences, and benefits (Isa 45 versus 2). The promise and pledge of every life is not only in the hands of the person and his subjects or superiors, and of the destiny on his or her life, even on associates and friends, but also on his/her morality, mentality, sensitivity of character, and spirit; in all realms – logically, mentally, attitudinally, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually.
In my mental deliberations, I asked a question about a young man who had strangely misbehaved to his manager just weeks before a huge business breakthrough for the company where he had his training and employment. And, during a period of covid-19 staff layoffs, redundancy, and wage reductions, he was chosen to provide an online capacity development that would have completely upgrade his professional proficiency and status.
I questioned myself whether it was not in his destiny to have this blessing and honor. Because his man had been a good teammate on work ethics despite his occasional bouts of anger as held expressed in his conversation on phone. I sought another opinion. That was when I was educated by another school of thought, which is also known to be inspired by righteousness. This person said that every action has multiple reasons. And that in this particular case, having this person and held his challenges, he did not managed his issues well.
And a character issue not well handled in his behavior and attitude had provoked extreme anger and rage, inherit in his soul as a character traits, and culminating in his actions that fortunately or unfortunately terminated a bright future and a life of opportunities for growth, as well as for the realisation of prospects and potential to develop his career advancement and life goals.
But, need to ask, could his behaviour also be spiritual or health related, even bipolar? Or, are his foundations being destroyed by negative forces, as the Scriptures say? And, why couldn’t he choose the option of the fruit of the Spirit to pply the fruit of the Spirit and utilise its fruit of patience, wisdom ( Gal 5)
To receive divine grace for enablement onto a course of life, sometimes referred to as purpose, one will require anointing and sacrifices through dreams, prophesies, callings, gifts, missions, empowerment, illumination, engagement, and the like. Nonetheless, destiny guarantees its route via its intrinsic wisdom, strength, and faith in the capability to evolve power (Romans 8 vs 17-20 AMP)…….. to be cont’d
– Charles Kwamena Ackon