Dr.Charles Ackon


  • By admin
  • On September 22, 2021

 A FELT Monologue 


There are many factors that influence opportunities of Ministry, Money and Marriage. And according to the Book of Life, there is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven. It stands then to reason that there a cause and a purpose for a man or a woman’s action and the outcome thereof. 

In the book of life and according to Gen 2:23 The created man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of Man. 2:24 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. 2:25 The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame. 

In reference to these Godly principles of the Man taking on the responsibility of a wife so as to create a family and populatie the earth, I ask a simple question WHY ARE YOU MARRIED TO YOUR SPOUSE?

Dear Sir or Madam, one day many centuries ago, a man like you and I who was selected by the grace of God and anointed to do what he did with an outstanding reason. He said to another man called Archippus : “See to it that you complete the work you have received in the Lord.” I asked myself: Was this statement a Warning, an Advice or an Admonition? And I got my answer eventually. 

It is evidentially true that some marriages are targeted at and destroyed by wickednes, bad characters, lust ansbmnaybore of such kind, just so to stop the God’s factor in that family and for families. 

I have found out by the grace of God, and within the PET Factor on Patience, Endurance and Tolerance coupled with the strength of prayers that in any initial struggles in marriage and in extreme cases working together with it’s associated lack of understanding are all workable for solutions. 

There are certain elements every person needs to acquire for the composition of a man’s rule on earth through his marriage and family. And this can be derived through the unity of cooperation in the marriage for the couple to be established. Such outcomes must work, firstly, to generate the God Factor: Why am I married to this woman or this man.

Nevertheless the understanding of the reason for any marriage or family comes with time, patience and revelations through many facilitating factors such as knowledge, bitterness-free heart, heavenly wisdom and many other good virtues and values of great recommendations. 

Dear Sir or Madam, I recommend to you that for you to rule in your marriage, you must have what I term the collective VIV gift : Vision, Image, Voice which work together to yield the family’s MIL – Mandate, Image, Likeness. This will ensure that you have dominion to rule. 

Be rest assured that Marriages are influenced by either Inhibitors or Facilitators. And these two compete for the heart of the partners within the union and eventually affect the reason of the marriage. It is therefore very important to watch these in any mental, social, family and spiritual interactions so that they do not work to self-destroy the inherent reason for the marriage. They take charge to be deadly or life-giving even to the children and their children and in that order. 

I found out that to be able to rule and take dominion through the God factor in your marriage, the VIV and MIL must reconcile, cooperate and resonate in the entire structure, mission and features of the marriage and the family to yield the following its:

1. Power

2. Wealth 

3. Wisdom 

4. Strength 

5. Honor

6. Glory 

7. Praise

And through these elements of God’s blessing as stated above, a man’s Ambition, Business and Care within the given opportunity and mandate for his life within the marriage and family will definitely birth forth the agenda of heaven and Man through the assigned purpose. This will work to reorganize their assignments, if not realized, in the universe as commanded and labeled for their establishment. 

Please work hard to stand for your marriage whether in existence or to come. Do this for yourself, family and country. I learnt that it pays off eventually when God is well positioned in the family. 

May God blesses your marriage and your family indeed in their due seasons. And guess what, Heaven and Man will help you to do this excellently to the Glory of God and for your benefits and for others. 

– Charles Kwamena Ackon 



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