It is often quoted and said that when one’s “praises goes up, God’s glory comes down”. Yes! This is experiential especially during   fellowship, interactions and relationships which offers praises and thanksgiving through worship.

But, God must have two essential characteristics in the person, in  order, to use any man or woman for greater works. And, the essential things, God looks out for are:

1. The physical or mortal Presence of the Person.

2. The Inner Man and Heart of the Person.

And, by this these, the exact status, glory, and material nature of people’s qualities, ideals, and triumphs are just as significant as their intentions, faith, decisions, thoughts, acts, deeds, and commitments of prayer, trust, and peace.

But who may be or is capturing their attention,  and where are their focus?

I discovered that there are many aspects and stages of God’s glory that become the honour and privilege of any obedient, humble and practicing believer when he or she is impacted by the nature, traits, and promises of the “Hope of Glory” through Christ (Col 1 vs 27).

However, the characteristics of God’s glory must be disclosed and blessed in order for the personal, familial, and destiny glory sealed on anybody to be revealed;

1. The Glory of the Son of God – John 1:14

2. The Glory of Creation – Psalm 19 verse 1.

3. The Glory of Visions: Isaiah 6:1

4. The Glorification of the Holiness of God – Eze 1:28

5. The Glory of the disciple of Christ Jesus—2 Corinthians 3:18

In order to impart glory to God, and thereby declare, “To God be the Glory,” please rise up, shine, and grow someone else’s and your own glory.

The question is this- in what way can or are these glories provided?

They come in a variety of forms (Hebrews 13:14–16; 2 Corinthians 4:6–11;

1. On our lips

2. In our actions and deeds 3. In our almsgiving and offerings 4. In our outlook and conduct 5. In our worship and love 6. In our relationships and fellowship

7. In our supplications and confessions

8. Reputation for admiration and loyalty

9. Concern for others, kindness, and doing good, and so on. 

Whether you believe it or not, the spirituality of human glory is just as tangible as human logic, daring, creativity, and STEM education.

Because they lack or give up their God-given glory, many individuals in this world experience ailments with all of its associated problems, hardships, lack, and so on. Like I did, many people frequently have a ton of questions about their relationships, ministries, and financial situations.

But, thankfully, through the grace of God, I learned that, through the application of the wisdom and power of God in the called and justified Believer, many evil things, including their principalities and powers, bow to “Christ in you, the hope of glory,” through the obedience and submissions of a good heart and presence, and by the grace of God (1 Cor 1 vs 24).

So, regardless of your problems, rise up, shine, and build, for prayer is very effective when it is focused on the pulpit, portal, and altar of one’s platforms for salvation, as well as the land and opportunities of:

– Strength, Honour, Ministries, Money, Marriage, Callings, and Life Purposes, and the like. 

The truth be told, for the glory of praising and giving thanks to display concrete results and accomplishment,

The prophetic word’s promise that “God will work it out” must be embodied in the specifics of the majestic mandate in order for the glory of praises and thanksgiving to bring forth tangible results and accomplishment.

So, rest certain that your praises and thanksgiving can bring about God’s glory in your thoughts, actions, and presence (Psalm 4 vs 8, Lam 3 vs 25, Psalm 68 vs 11).

But what methods are available to you?

1. Acknowledgements of gratitude and thankfulness in all situations and circumstances.

2. Act without complaining or arguing.

3. Remain steadfast and confident in God’s word of life and His promises to your family.

4. Have complete faith that God will carry out and complete His divine will for you and your family.

5. Develop a servant’s heart and adopt a worshipful attitude.

6. Live in Christ as a true, obedient, and humble person.

7. Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

What causes the glory?

Glory is frequently found in the spiritual realms, where dialogues between Heavenly beings and regions take place and lead to the consequences of wonderful acts of faith and deed performed by Earthly creatures.

The moment when:

1. When you stand up for the glorification of Christ (Isaiah 70 vs 1-3)

2. When God’s Presence touches or descends upon someone

3. When the voice of God relates to the LORD’s redeemed (Psalm 29 vs 9)

4. When you faithfully speak, confess, declare, and proclaim the spoken word of truth, command and decree it to manifest the following: (a) the Manifested Presence; (b) the Manifested Power; and (c) the Manifested Glory.

5. When a believer enters the King of Kings’ arena, atmosphere, and place of worship (John 4 vs 24).

Additionally, a knowledgeable and spirit-filled believer can request or demand that the Holy Ghost consume those evil ghosts in accordance with the invocation even when good people are subject to the ill intentions, desires, working, accusations, and threats of evil altars, evil voices, and evil people’s spirits.

However, I discovered that, in God’s grand design for salvation and glory, there is the role of holy altars that speak with and speak for some people who exist in God’s master plan for salvation and honor, whether consciously or unconsciously. This allows them to cast down, demolish, and make the wicked people’s cunning, crafting, and evil scheming vulnerable, and then to establish their blessings on their altars of glory. Therefore, while you sincerely pray, plan, and work each day, ignite your altars of glory by giving thanks and praises (Genesis 28:12–16; Judges 6:24).

Who is able to bask in the glory of appreciation and adoration?

In fact, it is practical to observe that symbols, elements, and substances of glory are also significant for work, residence, and use in the manifestations of visions, missions, mandates, ministries, marriage, and financial affairs.

And each person must discover the value of their spiritual vocation, skills, talents, gifts, anointing, authorities, tools, and grace prowess for the necessary empowerment, enlightenment, and enthronement in life (Gen 9 vs 17).

According to my research, among many others, the following people are eligible to bask in the glory of adoration and gratitude:

1. The LORD’s Redeemed (Rom 10 vs 13, Rom 6 vs 4, Joel 2 vs 32)

2. Souls and Lives that plead for mercy to step in and rule in the place of justice (Exo 34 vs 6-7, Psalm 25 vs 10, 2 Sam 22 vs 26, James 2 vs 13)

3. The favored and anointed one (Rom 4 vs 7-10, 16)

According to him, a person must pray, live, move, and have their being in Him if they truly want to succeed and answer every request from a good heart and from a good presence.

I discovered that there are many different forms and types of activities one can apply for in the dimensions of all realms of life, including physically, spiritually, societally, educationally, financially, and maritally. This was true for the execution of personal, family, and corporate goals, objectives, strategies, plans, and actions. When you decide to live by the Spirit, you must also remain in step and harmony with the Spirit of God (Gal 5:22–26). Once you are in this position, you can better position yourself to gain knowledge with the help of your heart, eyes, and mind.

Then, take proper position, gain more knowledge with your heart, eyes, and brain, and be sensitive and vigilant while you pray, plan, and work.

As you dress yourself in faith, wisdom, and strength, position yourself well, align yourself correctly, and connect with God’s wisdom. Then, rest assured that God will also bring you love, blessings, assistance, and fruit of the Spirit, and that He will then demonstrate His power through you (1 Cor 1 vs 26 – 29) because agreements and prayers both survive death. 

They continue to live in the glories of the realms for the good of individuals, families, destinies, and generations. And they are reachable when God’s grace produces abundance in revelation, knowledge, insight, and understanding.

This is crucial so that the prayers of devoted souls, godly people, a person’s parents, and even their foreparents, can be divinely made available for that praying believer. Therefore, kindly reap the benefits of each prayer that has been stored for you and your family in the heavens with a good heart and a good presence (2 Tim 5 vs 1).

Use this glory of adoration and thanksgiving to pursue, savor, and advance your life’s goals, including ministry chances, business opportunities, and marital affairs.

Marriage is a good thing, a blessing, a covenant, and unquestionably a setting in which couples can make decisions. It is prudent and wise to forge friendships in order to reinforce the influences of peace and joy in righteousness.

I learned that many individuals who have either failed in their marriages or who oppose the principles of Godly marriage frequently assert that “marriage is only a friendship that one can separate and quit through divorce at any time.” Truthfully, this is a lie, according to the Scripture.

Finally, when you, your spouse and family get the honour of praise and thanksgiving, as sealed on you, please continue to be faithful to your marriage, ministry and monetary affairs and put up a good fight for  them; to expand and establish them (Matt 19 vs 4 – 6). Pray!

– Charles Kwamena Ackon


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