It goes without saying that in the spirit, letter (soul) and body of people and things, by the various dimensions and realms of their territories; lands, sea, air, heaven, earth, and beneath the ground, and within their general offerings and blessing of opportunities exist certain things that everyone can be grateful for, when he or she is presented with or possesses one or more of them, including any of the following:

1. Calling, Gifts and Gifting 

2. Invitation and Cancellation

3. Caution and Rebuke

4. Love and Power

5. Anointing and Grace; 

6. Respect and Honour 

7. Estates, entitlements, and so forth.

And, by having and living out these, one can accomplish far more in sync through their wisdom for prayer and fasting to cement the foundations and their structures and systems, than by just their powerful, admirable and persuasive agility, graces, beauty, strength, knowledge, speeches and arguments, and so on. That is why when one seeks knowledge, wisdom, and understanding (Exo 31:1–5) for family, works and leadership,  especially in conformity with the mind of the Spirit, that person must resolve to acquire the virtues, values and victories tenets that exalt excellent biblical, academic, inspirational counsel, advice, and wisdom principles, concepts, precepts,and philosophies of sound minds and souls. Additionally, there must be progress backed up with great accomplishments enacted by excellent spiritual and non-spiritual mandate. And these must be made available, along with their protocols and knowledge for building effective relationships, marriages, ministries, businesses, and so forth.

I learned that, in all these, creating a structure and strategy based on your life’s presentation, content, and layout alone does not ensure success unless your vision and mission are founded on an inspired mandate, purpose, plan, strategic direction, and the necessary action for achieving the objectives and goals. However, if the structures are to remain longer, they must not only be functional but also have a positional character and be supported by spiritual attributes such as hope, faith, strength, humility, and grace. I learned that any functional structure created for effective personal, family, ministry, marriage, and even business and organizational purposes must actually ensure that the hardworking, blessed, gifted and/or highly favoured person or people do become astute, excellent and indispensable in the majority of cases. 

This is so because great personal experiences lived and integrated with their soundly learned attitudes, skills, and knowledge come in handy to facilitate growth and establishments. Nonetheless, the resources at hand must be properly noted and utilized in the envisioned effort to progress toward greatness, significance and excellence. 

But, everyone needs grace and anointing even to commit to many things. Proverbs 16:3, for instance, states that: “commit your works to the Lord. So, remember that your plans and strategies will all be put into action, aided also by character and grace. Psalm 143:10 states: “Let Your good Spirit lead me on straight ground; Teach me to fulfill Your will, For You are my God.” And, even with God’s assistance, you must know how to continue to learn and study to develop your defined and specified life’s philosophy and faith within grace’s sovereign authority? You must also learn and study. According to legend and great people, there are two key skills that everyone in this world must master if they wish to study and learn in greatness:

1. Learning to read excellently

2. Studying to learn excellently

Being assigned, aligned and connected to people and things that cherish, teach and impart greatness and excellence is very important if you seek the offerings and benefits of this realm and its dimensions of life. However, you must “devote yourself to extensive and deep learning” in order for you also to do excellent things (Daniel 6 vs 3). 

Daniel was not the only admirable person in his era as recorded in the Scriptures. So, how did his name end up in the Scriptures  as someone with notable accomplishments, words, works and life? I think he led a fantastic life and put it into excellent practices and outcomes. By God’s grace, coupled with implementation of other elements, tenets and factors of leadership, management and supervision, especially if you take these two stages seriously, you also can find all the answers to your questions throughout your entire life, from birth to death.

Therefore, keep in mind that Daniel’s excellent ways consisted of three primary parts: learning, unlearning, and reinforcing what he had learnt. He prayerfully inquired, required and made use of specifically allocated skills, prowess and knowledge from his qualities, core values, principles and graces because he was filled with the Holy Spirit. Actually, he used these attributes and resources effectively and excellently to serve many people. So, in expanding, deepening and strengthening one’s acquisition of knowledge, wisdom, power and glory, it is of great important, honourable and strategic that you make up your mind to obey, act on and follow what, where and how God’s grace and instructions leads you, even if there is pain involved in whatever it is that you are still learning, unlearning, and/or relearning in order to grow.

And, if you want to grow well, and grow effectively, you have to keep learning and studying strategically in order to assess the current development trends, and opportunities in your life’s goals, ventures, and interests; especially those related to your marriage, ministry, and business endeavors. You must also be willing to accept the correct definitions and perspectives of change, growth, prospects, and business as the development evolves. However, there are certain questions that you must first ask yourself:

1. What factors influence your growth?

2. What does a shift in growth mean to you?

3. Is a change in growth the same as growth change?

4. What is the purpose of stating and outlining your growth process within the context of its design, organization, and presentation?

5. Have you and/or are you growing positively or negatively?

Indeed, you must carefully explore other significant and emerging changes in one’s aspirational themes such as in your ownership, behavior, services, products, attitude, personality, family, relationships, organization, principle, character, and even in your entitlement changes, as you study and learn more. And, you must do so in order to provide an accurate and acceptable response to the many social, health,  financial, educational, family, business, ministry, marriage and even money-making demands for increased betterment in life’s sovereignty, security, success, ambitions, businesses, careers, works, professions, prosperity, peace and performance, and so forth. 

But, to be prudent, generational and visionary in one’s mindset,  management and leadership, please ensure that if or when a long-standing, widely implemented and generally accepted system of governance is running, the prevailing culture, behaviour and even attitudinal patterns, with their applications and feasibilities, are no longer functional or are stopped. Then you can ascertain that the needed change is imminent but the required change must be flexible and evolve systematically. However, remember this – you cannot instigate, facilitate and/or induce change, until you are willing to know the problems, admit the mistakes,  and then apologize, unlearn the old ways,  then learn and relearn the current, evidence-based and reliable growth processes, systems and structures…….To be cont’d.

– Charles Kwamena Ackon 


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