I discovered that value of leadership and management, plus their development of grace, greatness and power is very much aligned and connected to their “Accruement of Value”.
Value proposition, update, increase, upgrade and utilisation must be handled, managed, and then preserved and protected reasonably, literally and spiritually. Do you know why?
Difficult situations and complex issues in life, most often, come as a plan of divinity (if, it is not a witchcrafty, sorcery and/or demonized manipulations), to test one’s character, integrity, traits and personality. And more importantly, this test become an avenue and platform for value creation to increase and/or fortify one’s grace, anointing and uprightness for “The Reason for The Purpose” on his or her soul (Psalm 25 vs 21).
People’s lives, families and governments of businesses and cares within their life’s purposes and pursuits of destinies are programmed to grow and add value to their habitations and groupings. This, I believe, is how God has mandated the earth and all that is within it to behave and act.
Thus, men (males and females) do live and work in compliance with the systems, rules and regulations of the world as set up in divinity. Men are born to be fruitful, multiple, rule and take dominion under Christ Jesus. So, in our rulerships, we increase in value and add on values.
These values come in two main stages: the core values or tenets of the Principles and the core ideologies of the Principles which will be a subject matter for another day’s writings in my monologues. Nonetheless, let’s talk about the value of life termed as The Accruement of Value.
Many people, some from very modest families, heritages, estates, legacies, and peoples, have improved in their gatherings of things, assets, happenings and subjects, tangibilities, entitlements of glory, and honour to accumulate honorable names, family, properties, and even positions in life.
And, because of their improved, and hopefully growing performances, substances, qualities, and values, they are also given high opinions in society, and elite respect in their various endeavors and offering.
The true question, in the language of the average man, is, “What is value?” And, how does this value(s) translate and reflect in his or her aspirations characteristics, qualities, and personality to provide the desired results and expectations of glorious manifestations for the person and the family?
As a result, when I was inspired with the idea of writing about The “Accruement of Value(s)”, I immediately set out to clarify what this grammar term actually meant.
And because I want the message of my monologue to have a real impact on young people’s perceptions, I want them to grasp the importance of staying on the paths of life that necessitate honor, respect, loyalty, honesty, and humility as well as favour and fruitfulness.
I also asked myself a few questions that I hope the answers to would enable me to better understand the steps that will drive and raise our individual, family, and corporate desires to increase and accumulate values to our human civilisation and the manifestations of our faith, belief, empathy, and even prayer.
Does Value simply exist, come, or materialize in the lives of anyone at all, and how does this happen?
Moreover, if so, when do they arrive and what traits do they possess? Values do certainly have their realms, dimensions, and anointings of grace, but the definition of their scope also includes the following fundamentals that are clearly stated:
1. Priorities
2. Demands
3. Entitlements
4. Determinations
5. Tangibilities and Intangibles
6. Market and Non-Market Appraisals
7. Ambitions
8. Humility, Love and Faith
9. Hope, Strategies and Actions, among others.
So, in order to identify these areas, please consider the following:
1. A person’s life’s outlooks, and that of his or her family, and home;
2. A person’s character, personality, traits and behaviour; and
3. The integrity of a person, and that of his or her people
I have come to understand that any person of great value must undeniably, and ultimately be a person of great devotion to knowledge, sound doctrine and teachings on power, wisdom, and understanding, and must be assisted in the righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost since therein is situated the kingdom of our God
Let me share a brief story with you that focuses on the wisdom and importance of gatherings, fellowships and relationships but to which kind. I am familiar with a man who put a lot of time and effort into his confessions of Scripture and prayers. He shared my belief in the power of prayer and of Godly righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost, but he was unaware of the precise door to which he could use this important key or just did not want to use it.
I attempted to explain to him on many occasions, and point him to the truth of Scripture that even within the Love of God for humanity, there are specific keys such as 1. Prayer, 2. Doing Good, 3. Worship, 4. Tithing, 4. Sacrifice, 5. Loving thy Neighbor as thyself and so on, that provoke God’s blessings within the doors and gates of life’s sovereignty, but he still refused to comply.
His marital, social, educational, financial, and mental health statuses are all in poor shape. However, he is humanly sound but not wise in the wisdom of God, though being highly and spiritually strong in a wide range of spiritual fields.
This issue of misunderstanding the gospel of Christ, possibly as a result of his incorrect interpretation of the Scriptures and lack of effective leadership in his religious teaching, has currently cost him greatly in his aspirations, endeavors, and requirements.
One cannot simply pray and worship God in order to significantly raise the worth of life in this world in terms of its relevance, significance, and qualities. The following is also required of you:
1. You must learn, research, and study literature, and then seek approval from God and from learned men.
2. You must acquire up-to-date, trustworthy, and fact-based wisdom and knowledge.
3. Among other things, you need to cultivate good and respectable mindsets, opinions, and respect for your family and for yourself.
4. You need to form positive impressions and atmospheres about you, your family, your friends, and your people and things in an honest, sincere, truthful, appropriate, and qualitative manner.
5. You must purposefully display the reflections of the soundness of your thoughts and actions periodically and as necessary (John 15 vs 7-8)
6. You must determine the levels and dimensions of knowledge, beliefs, wisdom, blessings, people, and things you should have on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual basis.
7. You must desire it, work for it, pray for it, claim it and declare it and use it, if you want to attract people and things for your further empowerment, enlightenment, and seat of power.
In order to improve your value of grace and favor through compassion and kindness of blessings, safety and protection, what shapes, patterns, and specifics of your destiny must you accumulate?
I discovered that a person’s background, interactions, fellowships, and relationships with people, things, and the society of his or her paramount lands, realms, territories, and scopes of responsibility—marriages, ministries, families, and organizations—can accrue the forms, styles, and dimensions of that person’s value.
Can we claim that there are many categories of accruing value? Yes.There are principally three types of value:
1. The pursuit of human value through work, prayer, and self- and other-revelation
2. Supernatural Value through human actions that are subject to the grace and authority of anointings, as well as to heavenly and principal enablements.
3. Divine value, which is solely that which the Creator God created and which is made possible by divine enablements such as Grace, Mercy, and Favor.
Anyone seeking value in their life’s objectives must look for these three main types of value in order to achieve higher importance, works, impact, and influence:
1 Short-term value, which can be greedy and bad but is personal.
2. Medium-Term Value, which is primarily desired by people with major goals for their families, businesses, and personal lives.
3. Long-Term Value, which are frequently created for future and transgenerational blessings and made possible by people with divine and inherently mandated hope.
My dear friend, there are clear precepts in the spirit, Scriptures, and by good mentoring, apprenticeship, workmanship, and by parenting, coaching, training, and development, as well as through our practice, efforts, guidance, support, love, offerings, sacrifices, work, thoughts, acts, and deeds, and so on, if you want to have value in life.
However, for the yield of everyone’s value to discover their fundamental tangibles, advantages, and services, please remember that the value or values must be blessed by the word of God and of Man. Additionally, keep in mind that all moral principles are upheld by astute scriptural, parental, guardian, oversight, leadership, intercessionary prayer, and spiritual commandments and training ( 1 Tim 4 vs 8, Phil 2 vs 3, Prov 10 vs 2, 20, Gal 5 vs 6, Luke 12 vs 6-7, 24, Matt 6 vs 26). So, Build your values. Pray!
– Charles Kwamena Ackon