Dr.Charles Ackon

Some Blessings Destroy

  • By admin
  • On September 21, 2021

 I found out that the blessing that you are not well prepared for, can stop you (1 Kings 18 vs 44b). Some blessings destroy. So, to eat, drink and be satisfied; to rule and reign; to be in good health and prosperity; to lead, manage and administrate people; to empower and mandate; and so on demands serious, practical, regimental and enduring preparations of one’s body and soul, spirit and mind, character and attitude, stamina and skill set among others. Opportunities often run to the prepared hearts and minds. So, stay positively prepared as you pray! 

– Charles Kwamena Ackon

  • Sep 21 2021
Wow, this really hit me. Opportunities run to the prepared hearts and mind. I don't have to wait till the opportunities come, I can start preparing now. God bless you Daddy for sharing.

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