Does the Earth’s Elements, Time and Seasons Influence and Implement the JUDGMENT OF THE DEEP, AND OF MAN? I have discovered that God’s grace operates in many different ways and at different times, and at seasons and at bestowed and transferred graces (Gen 8 vs 22).
And as long as the world exists, things change, the seasons come and the passage of time continue, people connect a d relate, spirits communicate, animals even turn wild but can be tamed and trained, nd whiles diversity happens, consistency matters, order reigns, and other subjects, matters and cases and so on happen.
And with their many manifestations, one needs to evangelize with their issues and benefits as believers so that others too can see what they have and could be. Indeed, deep mysteries and deep secrets exist in this world and once at its purpose, you will acquire the ability to progress even further through access, knowledge, and desire. But who manages these? Pray!
– Charles Kwamena Ackon