- December 12, 2022
Can you imagine what an arrow in the air might say if it could only speak audibly and as understood by human beings? And, if the vacant...
Can you imagine what an arrow in the air might say if it could only speak audibly and as understood by human beings? And, if the vacant...
There are rights, privileges and priorities one can access when he or she has knowledge and wisdom but much so when that person gets understandin
The human heart, mind and soul are also the venue for God's presence in the chambers of the auditorium of God. Are you present in God's auditoriu
The parallels and distinctions between the terms "creativity," "innovation," and "audacity" are quite obvious, strategic and undeniable if one is
When people of faith give it all their best but it doesn't seem to be working, many people wonder where their hope is. For a Christian believer,.
Who could comprehend why a bright student in school would suddenly give in to absenteeism, unseriousness, stubbornness, and even psychosis, among
Spirituality is a reality, as a friend of mine often says. And, I believe it too because I have tangibly experienced her power, by grace, with evidence-based informati
There are often 'real and present danger' with many families of tribes, languages, people and nations, who confront and/experience issues,
Spirituality is a reality, as a friend of mine often says. And, I believe it too because I have tangibly experienced her power, by grace, with ev
There are often 'real and present danger' with many families of tribes, languages, people and nations, who confront and/experience issues, troubles and difficult
There are many questions to ask relating to how the moon, the stars and the sun relates and interact among themselves to create happenings and events in the constellat
There are many questions to ask relating to how the moon, the stars and the sun relates and interact among themselves to create happenings and ev
Many people who put their hope in the Lord finds out that the life's assurance and reassurance of faith as found in God's word, "God is with me," provides...
Many people who put their hope in the Lord finds out that the life's assurance and reassurance of faith as found in God's word, "God is with...
There is good, blessed, gifted and tangible enough reasons, manifestations, example, happenings and evidences to prove that the prophetic grace is real, wondrous, livi
What kind of heart, grace, and character does your spouse's family have? Are you thinking about getting married, or remarrying? If so, please consider also the spiritu
What kind of heart, grace, and character does your spouse's family have? Are you thinking about getting married, or remarrying? If so, please con
What kind of heart, grace, and character does your spouse's family have? Are you thinking about getting married, or remarrying? If so, please con
There is good, blessed, gifted and tangible enough reasons, manifestations, example, happenings and evidences to prove that the prophetic grace i
In the world of the physical, supernatural and divinity, there are ranks of grace and anointing in the realms of life and of its offices, homes, buildings, marriages,
In the world of the physical, supernatural and divinity, there are ranks of grace and anointing in the realms of life and of its offices, homes,
In the world of the physical, supernatural and divinity, there are ranks of grace and anointing in the realms of life and of its offices, homes,
The promise and the pledge (oath) of Destiny's progress in every person, people, tribe, language, and nation's life are two distinct subjects. The subject of Des
The promise and the pledge (oath) of Destiny's progress in every person, people, tribe, language, and nation's life are two distinct subjec
The promise and the pledge (oath) of Destiny's progress in every person, people, tribe, language, and nation's life are two distinct subjec
"Please tell me your location and who you are. Please tell me: Who are you, and when do you act? Please describe what you do and how...
"Please tell me your location and who you are. Please tell me: Who are you, and when do you act? Please describe what you do and how you go...
"Be careful and be strong!", a wise and elderly woman told her son, who was getting freshly married. "A woman in a wife can be a blessing, and yet...
"Be careful and be strong!", a wise and elderly woman told her son, who was getting freshly married. "A woman in a wife can be a blessing,...
THE CONCEPT OF OPEN HEAVENS: The Principles, Promises, Prophecies, Blessings and Manifestations of " *RECEIVE IT"
I foun
THE CONCEPT OF OPEN HEAVENS: The Principles, Promises, Prophecies, Bl
It goes without saying that in the spirit, letter (soul) and body of people and things, by the various dimensions and realms of their territories; lands, sea, air, hea
I discovered that anyone looking forward to greatness, and in its simple terms, success, significance and/or accomplishment must checklist the role, essence, and signi
Interestingly, before they are understood, some events in life could still remain a mystery.
But, what may be a mystery to you may have previously revealed
Do you know that you, too, can deal with your pitfalls by the kind of words, works and worship you say, do and offer. Know how! Please follow me...
I learned that anyone who activates the protocols, instructions and directions for the operations of the prophetics and grace can be strongly inspired and controlled b
According to the NIV translation of Ezekiel 37:14, "I will put my Spirit in you, and you will live, and I will establish you in your own land. Then,...
Have you ever asked yourself: Why should I become so rated in the detriment of negativities, issues and troubles, whiles I can become bigger, greater and significant e
Good works often show forth in progress, profits and dividends but acts of miracles and favour supercede even rational and intelligent human reasoning and deeds.
Colossians 3:16 Amplified Bible - “Let the word of Christ have its home within you as you...
There are many things in life that are important, including: purpose, marriage, ministry, occupation, business, family, friends, knowledge, wisdom, and understanding;
Bad attitudes are thorns in the material realms and characters of people. They prick and cause pains temporarily or permanently.
Continue to develop and ke
Although God's grace and love are proportioned to everyone of His children to grow in goodness and mercy, some human beings do change and turn bad. And
Did you know that given in to the set and functioning processes between time and chance, the Force of righteousness always prevails against the Forces of evil?
When something, in your life, is conceptually and socially inexplicable (Psalm 23), there are some times things you can do to rectify the situation.
So, wh
Dreams can be avenues for prophecies, callings, revelations,and directions, and so on. One day, I had a particular dream that intrigued my curiosity to gain its knowle
Joshua 1 vs 8 - "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe...
The heart, the purpose, and the anchor of security and peace are some examples of things of value in life. When you have value in its right creation, virtues,...
A kiss on a cheek can mean more than love. So, to get it right on any inherent reason or intent for showcasing of affection or inner feeling, every...
It is believed that when the seven (7) mountains of influence in the affairs of humanity are clearly identified, resourced, and developed in their lives, people become
I assume that any leader, manager and/or firstborn child, among others, can attest to hearing the phrase "you must set and/or live a good example for others to follow"
There is a strange character about Debt. In addition to being bad luck, debt is controlled by a demonic dark entity or entities.
Furthermore, did you reali
Power crashes opposition if it is wisely, powerfully and strategically used just as much as joy releases the lips of the mouth for the teeth to open up in...
In order for soldiers to be able to prevent, control, and manipulate the projectiles of the opposing forces and army, they must be trained in, and equipped with, the..
The blessings of dreams, prophecies and predictions are special offerings from heavenly places sealed in the spirit, heart and soul of certain graciously anointed peop
Hello my dear friends, and readers,
Do you want and/or need a good-to-great marriage? Then, please follow me on this article.
I welcome you to
The New Living Translation of the Bible's 1 Peter 5:8 reads as follows: "Be vigilant! Bear in mind that the devil is your greatest opponent. He stalks the area...
I discovered that value of leadership and management, plus their development of grace, greatness and power is very much aligned and connected to their "Accruemen
There are good men out there in the societies of the main lands, realms and territories of this world, and such men often turn out to be good husbands...
There are rules and regulations for sound social harmony, behaviour and habitations, whereby respect and honour for the virtuous woman is of order and must be extolled
Cont… Part 2
Nonetheless, you must continuously integrate your Strategy into the expectations, narratives, and outcomes of the Organizational Re-organization s
I discovered that leadership is a science and gift of God based on grace(s) and anointing(s) in which the divinely blessed, grace-alloted and humanly assigned roles do
Be blessed more to know that Jehovah God is concerned with the Ability and Availability of souls and lives when these forces and beings abide in Him (John 15...
The pathways of life involves the interlinked connections of paths,
It is often quoted and said that when one's "praises goes up, God's glory comes down". Yes! This is experiential especially during fellowship, interactions
I learned that in order to rise and shine when the moment is right, you must be blessed by grace and discover goodness and mercy within the walls of...
I found out that the God of All Grace is also a God of Mercy, Justice and Judgement in accordance with the principles, processes and systems of the Grace...
Any person who has Direction with Speed in the oversight responsibility of his or her plans, purposes, and pursuits must have the ability, management, and blessings of
The Outstanding Life is An Outstanding Life indeed; a divine, supernatural and human calling that also develops with pati
What were you carrying in your heart, mind, and soul when Jehovah God's deep breath and the lordship authority of creation from your father's genes infused the Zoe lif
Once upon a time, during my upbringing, I was instructed by a wise man - my late father, to treat all men equally and to be careful, kind, and...
When a person or people are performing poorly in their domains and dimensions of life, it is frequently mocked..
This piece is for the wise, the learned and even the poor looking for knowledge wisdom and understanding. Many people - children, husbands, wives, CEOs, Po
A FELT Monologue
A FELT Monologue
Do you know that prayers can travel, move, maneuver, navigate, spiral down, and potentiate to lay the assignment on the focus and target of one's prayer despatch. 
I found out that for physical attractions, insights and intellectual competencies to appeal to Academia, Professionals and Policymakers, the beauty of Delivery, Policy
Genesis 1, verses 1 through 5, state: "The earth and the sky were first formed by God. 2 At this time, the universe was empty and devoid of form,...
Life involves much more than just beauty and knowledge.
The sequences and modalities of every performance, as engineered within the heart, mind and soul by
The regions of the Spirit do not have a demilitarized zone, according to a friend of mine. A redeemed and sanctified believer with knowledge, wisdom, and anointings of
There are different types, shapes, colours, clouds,
A virtuous wife once told the husband during an early morning conversation - "to be able to abound in all things of greatness, you must be accustomed to all...
Be encouraged, take heart, gain knowledge, acquire wisdom, build understanding, press on and pray too as you plan, relate well and work smart, hard and well.
A FELT Monologue
Can you be described as Lucky, Fortunate and/or Blessed?
Why do you call
Many people laugh at, gossip about, mock, and insult many leaders, parents, seniors, individuals, authorities, powers, and even things of honour without any reasonable
My dear friend, kindly allow me to tell you a story that is expected to navigate and maneuver its paths eventually to end in glory, beauty and benefits by...
Most often, people have knowledge of happenings and events that can be used for good or for bad reasons. Every one knows something and/or someone around you coul
Do not be so strict or worse off, even be so careless about many things and events. Take it easy some times and pay attention to the details of...
There are sequences of divine order indeed, I have learnt. In a video documentary I once watched on the reality of miracles, Morgan Freeman of USA said, "Divine
It is experiential to relate to the truth that all of creation integrate into the relationship of God - Angel - Man by Faith, Hope and Love, in which...
Salvation is influenced in many ways and in many people by love, light and even life itself.
Spiritual beliefs, mental peace and physical health are three key el
The Bible illustrate that a house can also stand for a person, a family tree, a tribe, or even an entire population (2 Sam 7:18; Proverbs 24:3–4). Additionally, a...
In our journeys of life's ambitions business and cares; be it in a ministry, money-making and/or marriage affairs, we create our own stories daily.
And although
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I hope this notice meets you all doing well by grace.
I am happy to share with y
Though enlightenment, revelations, education, and training creates insight and grace, there still remain mysteries in the spirit realms just as much as there are
The happiness of many people, families and even the joys of things, expectations and organisations encounter several obstacles and conflicts in their efforts to fulfil
Animals, fish, germs, and other living creatures can all observe, transfer, transform, interpret, and communicate information to us humans via their varied systems and
Does the Earth's Elements, Time and Seasons Influence and Implement the JUDGMENT OF THE DEEP, AND OF MAN? I have discovered that God's grace operates in many different
Properly access and determine people's capacities and capabilities if you confront or attack. There are rules of engagement in all realms of life. And despite the fact
A married person's knowledge, character and the available grace, faith, wisdom, and sincere communication and understanding, in addition to his/herself and their bless
Do not be deceived. When compared to punishment, some forms of guidance and direction, commands and warnings, cooperation, counseling, mentoring, training, and applica
"The right to be a child of God is of God, but the character to manifest as the son of God is by one's gracious and step-by-step adherence to...
Don't yell at me, she yelled at her husband. Then all hell broke loose over a very tiny disagreement that both spouses could have easily s
*How to reduce and/or avoid emotional Stress* 1. Read your Bible and Pray esp every day at dawn, love God and Man, then be honest and truthful with yourself;...
I found out that the Background and Scope of Ordinances (Psalms 99 vs 7) relate to the laws of Creation on the Earth as well as to the laws...
Be careful! Anger can really destroy. And even though anger normally does not dwell in one's emotions for a long time, its hurt can stay longer when allowed. I...
I found out that whenever an action is initiated, there are strangely two outcomes: Effects and Ripple effects. It is common knowledge that in this life, many pe
I found out that any Heavenly Wisdom as given to you through men that one does not use for his or her applications and protocols is, after all, not...
*Is Marriage Crying For Her Foundation and Values?* - Part 2
Withall glory to God, I am glad to say that I once de
*Is Marriage crying for her Foundation and Values?*
Marriage is beautiful with a great love. Someone once said to
Science postulates that CELLS combine to form molecule. MOLECULES combine to form Tissue just as TIS
The FELT Monologue
The good stories of life are often told with great passion and excitement when it, very much, rela
The Offerings of Life - Part 1
People and organizations grow and with time they must be restructured to reflect
A FELT Monologue
There are many factors that influence opportunities of Ministry, Money and Marriage. And
A FELT Monologue
Love more and pray more is a Godly and wise answer I found during a particular period o
A FELT Monologue
The True Story called God
In many societies, people share their stories for diverse reasons. Sometimes, there are no comfortab
“Some assignments are meant for particular persons (Judges 6 vs 16). And to wage your war and win, you must have more than the following and certain characters
A FELT Monologue
The Grace of G
I found out that "Whatever the ear does not hear, the mind does not know". Knowledge is a character with the mind whilst Smiling is a character with the...
No matter how much you resent or envy someone, never curse them without a justified reason. I discovered that while some people can get along well with others, they...
It is a fact that *a life that is not in view of its destiny is not worth living*. You must therefore set in each month SCHEDULED & CERTAIN...
The Suffering, the Death, the Burial and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ (Rev 5 vs 9) also finds meaning in the life of many believers when Grace releases them.
Do not settle for less of your grace and blessings. And be mindful to be thankful. And have you ever thank someone - God and/or Man for the opportunity...
To generate and build mutual faithfulness and fruitfulness, I found out that the type of family, the morals in the upbringing, the perspectives in the background
A FELT Monologue
What will you, and what have you left behind?
I found out that what, why and how, are very key quest
A FELT Monologue
Philosophy is defined by Google 2021 as - "an idea or mental image which corresponds t
Just as one can find a very pretty lady with a concealed ugliness, there is always a weakness about every storm in life. *Storms do not have faith*. So,...
"The Reason for The Purpose" of your life is captured also in one's SLATE OF MARKS - What is written, done and spoken about you, on you and around...
I have learnt that opportunity favours the prepared person, couple, family, business, organization and many others who are equipped with the right mindset, right
I found out that there is a level of boldness that excite God. And there is a place where when you turn your face to the wall and ask...
Anointing is transferable and impactful for the intended assignment but the knowledge, spiritual prowess and authority of an anointed believer is not transferabl
I have learned that many sick spouses have HPD. "Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD) is a mental health condition that affects how a person thinks, perceives, and in
A FELT Monologue
I have been asked many questions relating to morality and sp
I found out that whosoever you meet in life is there for a reason. So, to know more of *The Reason for The Purpose* in one's meetings, encounters and/or...
I found out that the blessing that you are not well prepared for, can stop you (1 Kings 18 vs 44b). Some blessings destroy. So, to eat, drink and...
How do you get Fruitfulness without Wisdom?