- On September 9, 2022
This piece is for the wise, the learned and even the poor looking for knowledge wisdom and understanding. Many people – children, husbands, wives, CEOs, Politicians, Workers, Parents, and so on, as well as families, institutions and èven nations sometimes underrate the potential and blessings in their associates and connections, counsels and relationships.
But I have concluded, years ago, that your help for your sustenance, thriving and peace and happiness may be right beside you on your bed, holding your hands in a relationship or courtship, sitting by you in a classroom, as a colleague or even as a fellow worshipper, as a pedestrian on the streets and lanes, and as a neighbour. You must respect and motivate them in order for them to be a blessing.
Please allow me to tell you a great story. One day, God came to a man and asked him to be his friend. God gave him a promise. And in a nutshell, I can confirm that God kept his word regarding His divine plan for this chosen man’s life’s reason and purpose, which was sealed on his life in his nation, and even in other realms and territories of his dwellings, so that the identification, working, accomplishment and completion of his ambitions, businesses, and cares of life will also be based on wise human judgment, rights, and efforts among other things in compliance with divine order and command.
From this story, I found out that inherent and inspiration, plus power, drive, faith and divine enablements of helpers always work together to assist and draw in entitlements of grace, knowledge, wisdom, people, things, resources, strength, relationships, families, friendships and elements of destiny, among others, in a manner similar to how scents of favor, goodness, and mercy attract blessings.
However, you must be aware of the presence of these and observe their conditions and conduct, by God’s grace, on their priorities, principles, processes, and systems on the following:
1. The Objective (Are you the Joseph of your Family)
2. The Promise
3. The Calling
4. The Prophecies
5. The Sealing
6. The Offerings
7. The Protection and Blessings.
I discovered that God can only be enthused to a certain extent by audacity and work. And there are circumstances in life where, according to Psalm 140, God will save you if you turn away from evil and “face a wall” to ask for his assistance. So keep this in mind – why should you die off God’s Grace for you if it will lead to your enthronement, stability, and expansion?
Anyone may be confused, be suffering, or even grieving at any particular time in this world. So if in trouble, ask God for assistance rather than being terrified (2 Kings 20:1-4). And keep in mind the gifts, prophecies and anointings He has given you, such as faith, knowledge, and strength for your ministry, business, finances, and marriagex among others.
And always remember to ask God for a multiplicative restoration of things in your prayers and Intercessions, as that is the ideal kind of God’s restitution. And when you keep up your good thoughts, behavior, deeds and prayer, His Grace will eventually give you whatever you want in terms of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. Pray!
Charles Kwamena Ackon