Properly access and determine people’s capacities and capabilities if you confront or attack. There are rules of engagement in all realms of life. And despite the fact that the manifestations of people’s gifts, calling and anointings may look and sound similar and same, I discovered that discernment, knowledge, and wisdom each have it’s unique intrinsic and inspired words, strengths, forces, and spirits that inspire and activate their agility, power and qualifications, especially when employed for the intended purpose.
But in the end, it must be the tangible benefits that are obtained, but how can you achieve fruitfulness without wisdom? And how do you want your fruits to be reaped-and by what type of wisdom? You must choose. The different arenas of wisdom are (1) Heavenly Wisdom, which is centered on the Meekness of Wisdom; pure, peaceful, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy; possessing the good fruits of righteousness, impartial and devoid of hypocrisy. (2) Earthly Wisdom, which is centered on the Meekness of Wisdom; impartial and free from hypocrisy.
Next, there is (3) Demonic Wisdom, which is centered on Cunning Wisdom and is Earthly, Sensual, and Demonic to generate Envy, Self-seeking, Confusion, and Evil Things (James 3 vs 13-18, 1 Kings 1-34). So, keep this in mind in all your dealings, relationships and fellowship: when the other person you are interacting with is using every trick in the book of witchcraft to get what is not theirs, then assuredly you are engaging someone who is deep-necked in wickedness. Pray!
– Charles Kwamena Ackon