There are rights, privileges and priorities one can access when he or she has knowledge and wisdom but much so when that person gets understanding and the strength of will-power aka inner strength. 


And that is how some people win their battles by the grace of God. Truth is, the senses, faculties, and mentality of the soul, mind, and spirit are all developed in the various classrooms of personal  family, marriage, ministry, and business and corporate experiences that make up life for many people. 

And interestingly, while that life can be marked by many good and pleasant people, days, and experiences, I have discovered that life is generally marked by ups and downs, which occasionally result in happenings, experiences, stories, excitement, celebrations, elevations, and even promotions and disappointment that have an impact on a person’s, a people’s, or a nation’s soul. 

And as often so taught to us especially in our childhood, growth and development patterns, we must all daily “read our bible and pray every day if we want to grow” in all paths of righteousness For His name sake (Psalm 23 vs 3).

And in pursuance of a successful start to each day, one requires more than only replenishment of Ideas, Rhema, Drive, and even Motivation as well as the professed and renewed Mission, Vision And Purpose of life. And assuredly, by this the gem of life never stops growing when the soul is restored, regardless of the positive or negativity of their offerings in the previous days, I learnt. 

Life ought to be stress-free or at least gladly enjoyable as understood on backward  and forward integrations of events, stories and other matters by their  science, letter and spirit, most of the time.

But, occasionally I learned that in order to get certain experiences and advantages that would serve as a springboard for greater heights of accomplishments, relevance, and significance, you could need to fight certain wars, endure some things, crush some opposition and reverse sufferings, in all righteousness as a result of penance of Christ on the cross at Calvary even if this may not be well known or understood. And this divine provision strengthens, fortifies, and equips a person’s soul, particularly when God’s Mercy, Grace, and Pardon are found inside the grace of God and are then repeated each morning.

Therefore, it’s crucial to avoid dwelling too much on the often tremendously severe losses, discomforts, and bitter experiences you go through in order to persevere and maintain a greater focus on the positive aspects of the encounters.

The Bible, prayer, confessions, exercises, and other behaviors can all help one renew their minds, bringing to light the significance of the experiences they have had in the past. And this psychological strategy, attitude, and mindset are crucial for maintaining one’s sanity as well as the ability to love and care for oneself and other people. So, if you want to be fruitful, productive and find peace of mind to prosper and bring harmony to your own home, family, and the larger community, you must stop being angry and resentful.

And amid all of your challenges and difficult circumstances along life’s path, as you restart your life each morning, make sure to concentrate and re-energize your spirit and soul within the requirements of each blessed day, then couple it with the fundamental principles of leading an excellent existence. And with prayer and diligence, you will undoubtedly make progress toward the future that your visions and ambitions anticipate.

Life does not make mistakes; only humans do. In order to fully embrace the motivations behind the goals, keep in mind once more that you must never let any type of resentment or anger govern your thoughts. Because of this, you need to focus on praying more, forgiving others, showing more love, and working.

Now, let’s get some biblical knowledge, truth, wisdom and understanding about how God daily works out and works on our human systems, structures and processes of life by the terms of the Christ-like relationships between the set obedience and framework of friendships between the God of heaven and the man of earth.

And this happens daily so that mankind can survive and grow graciously by the blood covenant for the ultimate sacrifice through love, understanding and grace and by the word of God for the purchase of tribes,  languages,  peoples and nations (Rev 5 vs 9).  That is why whenever someone is sick, Scriptures admonishes the faithful to do certain things, among others:

1. Pray, and/or Call the Elders of the Church to pray the prayer of faith, loosing and binding, and so on (……)

2. Despatch the Word of God by the grace of God (Psalm 107 vs 20-21).

3. And seek care in all its forms.

Let’s take a look at how to manage a soul that is not in its perfect state. From the spiritual perspective, Psalm 23 vs 3 New King James Version says: “He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake”. 

What does it mean to restore a soul? And in doing so, how and  where must that soul must led even on the paths of righteousness? Souls walk on many paths of life; paths of righteousness, paths of love, paths of destiny, paths of purpose, paths of order, paths of understanding, intervention and other spirit-to-spirit, soul-to-soul and body-to-body interactions even people’s spirits and forms. And these souls also experience manythings, some of whom are just inexplicable by literal knowledge, wisdom and reasoning.

In their encounters and expressions during their relationship and fellowship, souls of men often experience certain things that reduces their potentials and graces to influence their behaviour and commitment. And these can make them to experience among others, weakness, pains, and even mortal and mental exhaustion,  and needs to be restored, sometimes immediately to their naturally and spiritually, emotionally, intellectually and psychologically mandated programmed baselines, thresholds and set platforms, characters and positions of grace, power, energies, and strength so as to function optimally in each given day of life, love and lights. 

This tangible mortal experience and/or soulish experience is similar to how the physical bodies of people and animate things get tired, weak, poor, restless, and/or even confused with the issues, burdens, subjects and matters of life, survival, home, and health, etc. Interestingly, there are even afflictions of the soul of men as they engage with divinity, the supernatural, and humanity in the intercourses, fellowships, connections, associations and interactions between persons, and the entities of life.

And due to certain circumstances that seek the beauty and strength of people’s and even nations souls so as to weaken them, impoverish them, and put them in diseased states, God has made provisions for the soul of every living persons to be refreshed, revitalised, restored, renewed, strengthened, encouraged, activated, and the likes so that people’s aptitude and capability for faith, hope, character, spirit, and even uunderstanding can grow from grace to glory. 

And, such souls must be developed and fortified with a variety of virtues and values, some of which may be very essential to the continued existence, development, and relevance of souls not just in life’s ambitions, businesses and cares but in callings of people into greatness, significance, ministry, marriage, family, occupations and other such things of spirituality and mortality.

But how do you go about doing this correctly according to the scriptures, spiritually, psychologically, attitudinally, and educationally in order to bring back lost virtues, values, and victories for souls? 

What you need to do is this:

1. Ask the God who created your soul to deliver and restore its glory, honour, grace, strength, wisdom, blessings, favour, power, blessings, and fear of the Lord (Isaiah 11 vs 2) from any form of enchantments, divination, mysticism, witchcraft-related actions and sorcery, slavery, oppression, depression and even mockery and all other circumstances and afflictions.

2. Identify what was lost or destroyed in the soul and request or demand restoration and compensation.

3. As you relate to and engage with divinity at dawn, request an immediate replacement for (2) above.

4. Command your protocol angels and the angel of the LORD to right-click, select, and install the replacement (even better version) in Christ by the grace, word, and will of God – (John 1 versus 16, John 14 vs 13-14, 1 John 5 vs 4) (John 1 vs 16, John 14 vs 13-14, 1 John 5 vs 4)

5. Use the ultimate password of – In the name of Jesus –  to encrypt the prayers and confessions you have proclaimed and commanded with the strength and authority of divine enablement and entitlements. 

But, remember this; according to the Christian faith and confessions of grace, the believer’s post-Adamic virtues, values, and victories were substituted with divine grace and favor of the good shepherd, the righteousness of God, the Most Merciful, by the Holy Ghost and by the intercession of the Lord and Master of all creation, and so named after the blood of Jesus Christ by the will of our Heavenly Father (Rev. 5:1–9). In Jesus Name. 

There is thus instant release of power and authority for redemption of souls when we Scripturally, faithfully, timely, rightly and by the grace of God, righteously pray with the living word of God; sending forth its virtues, anointing and power as embedded in the zoe, realms and understandings….to be cont’d. Pray!

– Charles Kwamena Ackon 


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