A FELT Monologue

Can you be described as Lucky, Fortunate and/or Blessed?

Why do you call me by another man’s name when I have mine? He screamed at the woman who had misidentified him. That was Mr. Ferinko, who despises being given another man’s name or identity. And much worse off is his cousin, who may become so furious at any one not being able to identify him with his credentials and characteristics, especially in public settings, so much that his ranting alone will demonstrate to everybody how impolite and in fact uncouth, he is and can be. From him, I learned to be  careful and circumspect when speaking to people.

Secondly, until I met a young man recently , I took for granted a few precautionary note I practised when I wanted to understand why certain people had things made simple or swiftly for them especially during full scale attack and struggles in life. This young man had a covenant of favor sealed upon him by the grace of the prophetics when a woman of God with a pentecostal grace and anointing prayed for him. And with these, he could obtain his desired items without exerting much effort or had little difficulties. So, I began exploring these how simple methods of existence works (Rom 8 vs 28, Prov 16 vs 33, Eccle 9 vs 11).

Kindly allow me to return to the central idea of this monologue in order to fully begin our path to the discovery of the answers to this question: Are you Blessed or Lucky? But please be careful to take into account even the parameters of the influence o righteousness, peace and joy  in the Holy Ghost as we work, worship  and wait for results through our practice of the elements of Patience, Endurance and Time and one tries to respond matters, people and things professionally.

Take care also to carefully evaluate the parameters of yours and other’s influence and impact on your offerings, acts, and deeds, as well as on those of your family, descendants, neighbors, and future generations. In this world, there are questions, even this – if a person is 100 years old, how can he or she determine whether his or her current position and status are as a result of the actions, deeds and commitments of their parents, forebears or of themselves? In fact, many people make mistakes in life and subsequently fail to consider the ramifications and effects of their choices. For this reason, some people attempt to atone for their sins by engaging in penance, inappropriate giving and sacrifices among others. Yet still, their mistakes still happen in their present days and ages.

People are sometimes described as being Lucky or Blessed in life because they have faced and/or overcame several obstacles, difficulties, problems, liabilities, and conflicts and yet still thrive. And even to the point in which such persons find their abilities and strengths to overcome such presenting limitations in life in order to be a wonder, a testament, or even a miracle is also a mystery (James 1 vs 17, Eph 1 vs 11).

People frequently refer to these people as blessed and often say things like “you are lucky,” “you are blessed,” or use other similar expressions when they are unable to comprehend why they are receiving what I refer to as “the blessings of divine grace”. This is because they often wonder to understand how the wondrous appreciation of the events of the strange changing into pleasant outcomes, the unpalatable escaping into favorable conditions, statuses, and reigns of rulerships for the previously less privileged persons happen. 

So,when you are unable to comprehend, as I said the cause of what I refer to as “the blessings of divine grace and favour through mercy,” remember it is not also wrong  call them as blessed and say things like “you are lucky” or “you are blessed” because some people would not fail no matter the difficulties,  even the complex situations because they are divinely blessed (Like 2 vs 51-52, Eccle 2 vs 26, Eccle 3 vs 12, Ps 36 vs 5, Isa 45 vs 8, Job 35 vs 5)

Life is a mystery, governed by mercy, grace, and pardon in all its spheres, and it is also a contest between the gods and the lords, in which the LORD of Lords,  Jehovah God Almighty, always triumphs when the earth joins forces with heaven through man’s prayers, efforts and sacrifice (Ps 50 vs 5). However, there are diverse inquiries to be addressed. But many people do not or might not inquire. 

If you have any ideas, could you help enlighten me as to why some people may be so thoroughly depraved, wasted, and devalued in a variety of ways and means, but nevertheless end up being recovered, restored, and empowered to rule and govern others? What causes these significant and successful outcomes to happen in such people’s lives? Furthermore, this is considerably other more mysterious inquiries. Contrary to all possibilities, some people reach their heavenly destinations—their purposes, assignments, and even the missions of their marriages, relationships, families, destiny, and other things—while others fail to accomplish such fate despite their great efforts,  dedication, hard work, prayers and sacrifice, and so on. Why?

If spirits, people, and birds can fly in this universe, it must and will be at designated cloud levels according to what has been divinely and intrinsically written. And, if these souls, people, and birds in this universe are able to fly at all, it will be according to the divine and inherent composition that God has placed on their spirit, soul, and body as well as at the designated cloud levels, as aforementioned. 

But in their essences Google states that “1. High Clouds (16,500-45,000 feet), 2. Mid-level Clouds (6,500-23,000 feet), 3. Low Clouds (less than 6,500 feet), and 4. Special Clouds” are the four (4) main forms of clouds in the cosmos, they can operate within as they live on this earth. However, I was inspired to learn that there is a fifth cloud level, which is known as the Heavenly Cloud or Destiny Cloud level, where spiritual discerning individuals with spiritual eyesight gets grace and anointings through fellowship with and of divinity and the Supernatural to aquire their heavenly fragrances and powers (Exo 31:1–5).

Additionally, there are people with great anointings on their divine enablements for faith, power, wisdom, protection, provisions, hope, love, understanding, intervention, peace, preservation, and even safety in order for them to survive, grow, flourish, and prosper in ambitions, businesses, and considerations within ministries, money, and marital affairs. Such people accomplish extraordinary fate, including overcoming obstacles, crushing opposition, ruling over principalities and powers, operating systems and institutions, and inspiring populations. 

Anyone who fits this description will frequently be referred to as blessed or simply told that they are lucky. However, most people also believe, by virtue of their conscience, that there are frequently obvious and even unsaid and occasionally incomprehensible, underlying and underlisted reasons, prayers, confessions and declarations, signs and tokens, deeds, covenants and decrees, speakings, sayings and utterances, deeds, and maneuvers that work to the advantage of the affairs, subjects and matters of these privileged blessedness. 

And for such good things to happen, certain actions, motions, and the like must follow supernatural instructions. I could keep speculating on a wide range of thoughts and ideas. But the actual query is, do you fit into this category of blessedness and/or luck? Or do you want to reap its rewards while paying respect to those who made it possible? So kindly take care of the necessary conditions in the material and spiritual domains if you want to be called Blessed or Lucky or if you anticipate to. And please activate and honour your tablet of fellowships wiyh God and with Man using your pinions of faith. 

Then, gather your momentum of faith, follow the principles, processes, rules and regulations of life, and fulfill the commandments, among theotherrequirements. After these, you can be assured that you will soar up to your cloud level by the grace of God and through the application of the aforementioned tenets.

But above all, keep in mind that someone else in your gatherings, family, neighborhood, office, marketplace, church, mosque, community, or organization is fervently depending on your breakthroughs, successes, and excellence for their own dreams and hope of success to be blissful. 

So, without fail, please push, plan, pray and do it well for you, your family, your genealogy and for other people. Pray!

– Charles Kwamena Ackon


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