- On October 12, 2022
Colossians 3:16 Amplified Bible – “Let the [spoken] word of Christ have its home within you [dwelling in your heart and mind—permeating every aspect of your being] as you teach [spiritual things] and admonish and train one another with all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God”.
Sometimes, I hear and even seen people frustrate themselves and others by resisting the will of God about them, and about other people. This situation can lead to delays in the manifestations of the glory and honour upon souls, persons and lives. It adversely affects more than marriage, home, work, progress, and èven family and friends.
To begin this monologue that details out the blessings and benefits of sound human wisdom vis-à-vis implementation and enforcement of the grace of heavenly wisdom, kindly let me tell you a true story about a princess who was kidnapped from her home for many years, lived a irregular life surrounded by cruel and torturous relationships and situations, and had some strange and selfish family members, who needed to be saved and redeemed by their souls and hearts as well.
The princess suffered many things; even emotional trauma but was eventually reconciled to her rightful parentage, whom thinking she had absconded proclaimed curses on her and her offspring and spouse.
Nonetheless, the beauty of this story is that she was facilitated to return to her majestic throne of reign despite all the orchestrations, manipulations, difficulties, trials and afflictions she faced along the way from and back to sitting on her throne.
In this story, we will eventually come to a conclusion and understanding that the Force of Righteousness always prevails against the Forces of Evil, and that in all righteousness, godliness and obedience to an instruction or command to comply with divine assignments, any person as chosen by God, for a divine purpose can or will be supported to enjoy the interaction and intervention of the divine presence, power and glory of God ss well as the favour of Man.
And, when this happen, All wisdom of God release All knowledge in order for All Grace to empower the rightful orientation and change patterns by favour, as well as by deliberate human decision and actions, and spiritually through God’s Mercy and Kindness of Blessings and Protection.
At this point, many good things can be attained; when things that you have not prayed for nor asked for, can locate you can locate you by divine grace and favour. And, ultimately, this happening does cause All Things to work together for good for such called persons.
There are many events which influence the unravelling, unveiling and celebrating virtues, values and honour of celebrations in human lives and in their societies, just as there are occasions that reveal their qualities, values, and the honour of their celebrations; nevertheless, in order to see such occasions well appreciated and beneficial, the person with access to knowledge, insight and all wisdom must be given the keys to the revelations’ secrets.
There was inherent greatness and glory in her life and eben in this state for what appeared ordinary and not glorified. It was waiting in the shadows to breathe glory and greatness into that which was not celebrated. It was marvellously unveiled and celebrated that which had been muted and lied about, valued, and even comprehended. The ability to perceive things and matters of interest ahead of time and ahead of other individuals comes as an advantage when one’s awareness and spiritual eyes have become enlightened with knowledge and grace.
Moreover, although God alone and mainly determines people’s exact definitions of human destinies, some are able to discover, know, experience the mandate, blueprint and full details of the journey of life, and even enjoy their destiny. However, God’s will encompass this when divine grace and mercy is granted to that person………to be cont’d
– Charles Kwamena Ackon